Author: CSO Staff

Reviews from Europe in French & Dutch
Bonne pioche pour l’Ohio : Cincinnati a recruté l’un des meilleurs chefs, que vient d’accueillir, au terme de leur tournée européenne, une Seine musicale dont on a pu apprécier l’acoustique, plus sèche et plus analytique que celle de la Philharmonie. French review of Paris performance Bernstein en Gershwin kennen we als onvervalste Amerikanen. Dvorák was ook in het land waar de Indianen ooit het dagelijks … Continue reading Reviews from Europe in French & Dutch

Labor Day Weekend with the CSO in Europe
The CSO spent Labor Day Weekend in the Netherlands, performing at the prestigious Muzikgebouw in Eindhoven and the Tivoli Bredenburg in Utrecht. A very special moment came when members of the CSO collaborated with a group of refugees in Utrecht for an inspiring chamber performance. These cultural exchanges are one of the many incalculable rewards of touring. The next day, the Orchestra traveled to Antwerp, … Continue reading Labor Day Weekend with the CSO in Europe

Performance for Refugees – Video

Performance in Santander
Last week, the CSO received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike at the Santander Festival. Check out these photos and reviews from the concert—English translations to come! (Photo credit: FIS-Javier Cotera) Continue reading Performance in Santander

CSO in the UK
The beginning! The first stop! Behind the scenes of the CSO Tour starting at the Edinburgh International Festival. Continue reading CSO in the UK
Parlez-vous français? French preview for upcoming CSO concerts.
Check out this preview of the CSO’s tour finale concerts in Paris! Even if you don’t speak French, users with the Chrome browser may be prompted with the option to translate for you! http://www.concertonet.com/scripts/edito.php?ID_edito=456 Continue reading Parlez-vous français? French preview for upcoming CSO concerts.

The View from Santander
A few scenes of Santander from the eyes of CSO bassist Matt Zory. That tuba player looks awfully familiar! Continue reading The View from Santander

CSO Musicians Perform Free Concert for Refugees in Netherlands
Violinists Charles Morley, Paul Patterson, Sylvia Mitchell to play classical favorites and jazz standards with pianist Michael Chertock, saxophonist James Bunte On 4 September at Buurtcentrum de Dreef in Utrecht, Netherlands, Classical Movements will present a concert for refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Northern Africa, featuring five members of the world-renowned, 122-year-old Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (CSO) during their six-country, 11-concert tour of Europe. Hours before … Continue reading CSO Musicians Perform Free Concert for Refugees in Netherlands

Scenes of San Sebastian
After a long delay in London where an engine part had to be flown in from Denmark in order for the CSO’s charter flight to leave London, the Orchestra is now in beautiful San Sebastian, Spain! Tonight the CSO will perform its second concert in this picturesque coastal town. The local media is abuzz with excitement over these concerts—the CSO even made the front page … Continue reading Scenes of San Sebastian